
Showing posts from July, 2023

buy shrooms uk

  buy shrooms uk Holland’s psychedelic fungus dealers have a message for UK citizens: Buy our drugs. Buy Shrooms uk CLICK HERE AND BUY SOME MAGIC MUSHROOMS IN THE UK “Customers of ours are being scared by your police and customs,” complained one supplier, who asked for his name to be withheld over email. “They are wrong. But no one dares to confront the authorities with their misunderstanding.” While magic mushrooms have been illegal in the Netherlands since 2008, after  a tragic accidental death  soured the scene, their subterranean cousins, magic truffles, managed to escape the ban. Despite the fact they’re the same species, contain the same psychoactive chemicals and have the same effect on the brain, they’re not technically “mushrooms”—which, as any mycology nerd will tell you, refers only to the part of the fungus you can see—and so the head shops of  Amsterdam  have been doing a roaring trade in them ever since. Buy Shrooms UK Which is great news for the D...

magic truffle spores uk

  MAGIC TRUFFLE SPORES UK magic truffle spores Overview Although psilocybin is most associated with mushroom fruiting bodies. (the classic image of a mushroom). the psychedelic molecule also occurs in other parts of the organism.  “Magic” truffles  are the succulent nodules that grow underneath the ground. Despite their different growth pattern. They also contain high levels of psilocybin. Enough to induce an insightful and comprehensive trip. Below, we’ll explore the world of magic truffles, what they are, different varieties. And how to consume them .   WHAT ARE MAGIC TRUFFLES? Magic truffles , also known as sclerotia. Are nodules that contain the psychedelic compound psilocybin. In that respect, they are like mushroom fruiting bodies that appear above ground. But, truffles are underground masses that exist as a food reserve to be use in case of harsh conditions. Magic truffles deemed as potent as their fruiting body counterparts. But, this generalisation i...